A rare opportunity to look inside some of Barton’s interesting buildings and sites as part of Barton Civic Society’s Heritage Open Days programme – including the former Primitive Methodist Chapel (1867) now the Joseph Wright Hall.
Exhibitions by the Wilderspin Art Group and Barton Civic Society.
The programme is being updated continuously so check the details in September here or on the Civic Society’s website.
Programme as of 10 June:
Thursday 8th September
Wilderspin School Museum
Lessons from Nature
10am – 4pm. Free. Each Heritage Open Day.
The playground in Samuel Wilderspin’s schools was designed as a space for exercise and play but also to stimulate children’s senses. Our garden playground is open on each Heritage Open Day between 10am and 4pm. Come and find out more and take refreshments in the garden playground provided by our coffee shop, The Old School Canteen.
My Favourite Place
10am – 4pm. Joseph Wright Hall. Free. Each Heritage Open Day.
Exhibition of winning entries in this year’s Civic Society Children’s Competition. The children’s maps on display include their favourite buildings and places in the town. Come and add your bit to our giant floor map of Barton in the future.
Heritage Open Days Art Exhibition
10am – 4pm. Joseph Wright Hall. Free. Each Heritage Open Day.
Exhibition of work by the Wilderspin Art Group including pictures of Barton buildings and Natural Lincolnshire.
Natural Lincolnshire ~ The Flower Lady
7.30pm. £5
Sandra Bright, aka The Flower Lady, speaks about her experience as finalist in the BBC TV’s “Big Allotment Challenge”. Enjoy a glass of wine in the Wilderspin Garden where Sandra will be demonstrating with her own homegrown flowers from her cutting garden, putting together country style bouquets. 7.30pm. Tickets: £5. Booking Tel. (01652) 635172.
Past Forward
Launch of a mobile phone app exploring the town’s heritage.
Friday 9th September
Baysgarth House
Baysgarth Park, Baysgarth Park, Caistor Rd, DN18 6AH
Open today, 12pm – 4pm. Free admission. Open each heritage Open Day.
Attic Tour
Afternoon.Times to be confirmed
A rare opportunity to venture behind the scenes and glimpse the work of the volunteers who help look after the museum’s collections. Small group tours will access the museum’s roof-space stores. These involve climbing stairs. Booking is essential. Tel. (01652) 637538.
Saturday 10th September
Natural Lincolnshire ~ Lincolnshire Blow Wells at Barton Beck
Beck Hill, DN18 5HG
3pm – 4pm. Free
A special opportunity to visit a unique natural feature in the Lincolnshire landscape. Hear how they are formed, the rare habitats and species they support. Learn about their historical connections with settlements and religion.
Joseph Wright Hall
Queen Street, DN18 5QP
11am – 3pm
Find out what the Queen Street School Preservation Trust has in store for the chapel building adjacent to the Wilderspin School Museum. Refreshments are available in The Old School Canteen.
The Ropewalk
Maltkiln Road, DN18 5JT
Now a showcase for contemporary art and crafts and a thriving venue for performing arts, this was the home of Hall’s Barton Ropery, where the ropes used for the first ascent of Everest were made in one of the longest pantiled buildings in England.
Today Only – Talk and guided tour behind the scenes of this fascinating building. BOOKING ESSENTIAL please telephone (01652) 660380 or email info@the-ropewalk.co.uk to reserve your place. The Ropewalk is open each Heritage open Day 10am – 5pm except Sunday 11th 10am – 4pm.
Sunday 11th September
St Peter’s Church
Beck Hill, DN18 5EX
10am – 3.00pm. Admission free by kind permission of English Heritage.
This famous Anglo Saxon and medieval church is an archaeological as well as an architectural treasure. Guided tours at 10am, 12pm and 2pm. Last admission 2.30pm.
Tyrwhitt Hall
Beck Hill, DN18 5EY
2pm – 4pm,
A rare opportunity to see the medieval timber framed Great Hall. No tour.
Natural Lincolnshire ~ Lincolnshire Blow Wells at Barton Beck
Beck Hill, DN18 5HG
3pm – 4pm. Free
A special opportunity to visit a unique natural feature in the Lincolnshire landscape. Hear how they are formed, the rare habitats and species they support. Learn about their historical connections with settlements and religion.