Welcome to Wilderspin School

Friday 15 – Sunday 17: Mother Goose with Friends at Barton

Saturday 30 November: Christmas Fair

Friday 6 December: Christmas with Nancy

Sunday Tours

Forthcoming free tours, inc. with Annual Ticket, 6 October, 3 November, 1 December 11am & 1.30pm.  Booking essential.


The Glenn Miller concert scheduled for 9 November has been postponed.  A new date will be arranged for the Spring.

Access information for visitors with specific needs.  Click here for details.

Wilderspin Lottery Club summer winners and how to support the Trust



Barton to Hollywood

Forty years of showbusiness stories with Paul Tate, with Q & A, costume exhibits and guest appearances by Friends at Barton colleagues.

2.30pm, £5 (tickets on sale now)

Games We Used to Play

Our first Winter Warmer this year looking back at toys and games from the past and a chance to play some retro board games. Free refreshments.

11am  –  3pm, children free, Adults £5 Annual Ticket

Museums at Night Quiz

Book now!  7pm, £2 per person, Bar and raffle


How To Be Brave

Other Lives Prodiuctions return to Joseph Wright Hall with a story of 14 men aboard a life raft after their ship was torpedoed in the Atlantic in 1943.

7.30pm, £10 Tickets on sale now.



Discover the story of Samuel Wilderspin and see the unique Infant Schoolroom and Playground that he designed in 1845.

The Wilderspin Story
Schools Programme

Schools Programme

Our Schools Programme has been developed to provide children with an exciting way of engaging with the history of Victorian school life.

Schools Programme
History of the School

History of the School

Learn about Samuel Wilderspin and the Wilderspin National Schools and how his innovations gradually transformed schooling for children of all ages.

Wilderspin History
Find Out More